Green Energy
Europe Seeks A New "Non-Emotive Lexicon"

The smelly old cat (you know, the one who, really, should have died long ago) sprang to her knees this past week, and began heaving and retching. With eyes popping, and ears straight back, the aged girl really gave quite a performance.
In the end, a pathetic, oily little hairball slithered from her mouth:
European governments should shun the phrase "Islamic terrorism" in favour of "terrorists who abusively invoke Islam", say guidelines from EU officials.Backed by diplomats and civil servants from the 25 EU members, the officials are drafting a "non-emotive lexicon for discussing radicalisation" to be submitted to Tony Blair and other leaders in June.The Brussels officials hope the new lexicon, which would not be legally binding, would be adopted by governments and other EU institutions, such as the European Commission and European Parliament.An EU official said: "The basic idea behind it is to avoid the use of improper words that would cause frustration among Muslims and increase the risk of radicalisation."It might be time to put the poor thing to sleep.
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Green Energy