Green Energy
FDR and HST reappear, the single sign of hope this election cycle
With the poll news that Lieberman leads Lamont by ~12% the center, where domestic support has always run more broadly for the democrats, and national security is a republican domain has asserted it's firm control.

Now I don't agree with everything Mr. Lieberman has to say, but I can sure live with as much there as I have in the past with Bush, and maybe there's even less to force myself to gag down (such as the utterly reprehensible stem cell religiously based decision.)
But it portends something coming, I hope. That something will be a decision that the repubs will have to make - Rudy.
It's Rudy more than Newt, or Mccain who can command people that don't live in South Carolina. If the folks at Bob Jones University can't bring themselves to a Rudy, then WHAT THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEN THEM AND KOS with Lieberman?
FDR and Truman occupied the space where strong (stronger than Bush) national security exists along with LIBERAL and NOT CRITICAL PROGRESSIVE domestic policies.

Several key advsiors of FDR had to keep reminding him that when he consulted them, they were NOT democrats. To me that is a perfect description of the way it OUGHT to be.
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