So I am flipping around the dial (in a sparse signal for XM area) and I hear Rush Limbaugh's voice mention the word Fox on some derogatory way, and thinking it was Fox News I flipped back only to hear him going off on Michael Fox about his being used by the democrats to falsely accuse the repubs of being FOR diseases and death. Limbaugh, unbelievably, made the day for dems by claiming that Fox was off his meds. Tasteful, Rush. Dumb.
Can we all get more hideous?
Lamont, losing and desperate, accuses Lieberman of being Nixon. Ford (who I hope wins) has some kind of meltdown, when showing up at a press conference being held, BY HIS OPPONENT and demanding something...who cares what ...
Even the SPLC, normally an exemplary organization goes after Tom Tancredo as if he;s some kind of racist, because he is concerned about border security - as race neutral a subject as there can be, and not connected to IMMIGRATION ..except in the minds of those who want their opponents to be racists to make life easy for them.
Lost are the actual issues in the hyperbolic, gross, stupidities, and in the hyperbole are the weaknesses and venalities of both parties right now.
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