Green Energy
Forging a New Tool

I loaned the DVD, Obsession, to a woman I work with last week. I brought up the subject by telling her that someone sent out 28 million copies of the movie. That really impressed her and made her want to see the movie.
I loaned her the movie, and the very next day, she got one of the free ones in her mail (not in her newspaper, which is how I thought they were being delivered). She brought it in for me to see. And by the way, she and her boyfriend watched it and were blown away by it. There are two more voters who will not be susceptible to taqiyya any longer.
When I looked at the free version, I thought, "Now here's something I could really use!" It is flat, small, and is basically like a brochure you open up with a DVD inside. On the brochure/case it says, "How Can You Help Fight Radical Islam?" And it gives four ideas and URLs. On the other side are quotes by authorities saying the DVD is worth watching.
The whole thing is a great little package. My wife said, "They should make these available to buy in packets of ten so we could share them with people."
What a great idea. I would love to be able to buy these in bulk to give away, if they were fairly inexpensive. And why wouldn't they be? They're already
giving them away.
So I wrote to both the Clarion Fund and also and urged them to make these DVD/brochures available in packs of ten or a hundred, or alternatively, to provide a service we could pay for that would send these to particular people.
I have found Obsession the easiest of all the DVDs to share because of the title. It is not offensive right off the bat to people who know nothing about Islam. And it has better production-values than my favorite DVD, Islam: What the West Needs to Know.
And in this new shorter version in a smaller package, it is even
more shareable. It seems like a smaller commitment. It seems it would be easier for people to accept, and the brief information in the brochure-like "case" makes it even more so.
If you would like these to be available in packs of ten or fifty or a hundred, please join me in requesting it. Contact either or both of these places to urge them to make the packs available to the general public:
[email protected]
Tel: 888-610-2221
[email protected]
Tel: 646-308-1230
Tell them who you are. Let them know you are influential, you're an active participator in this fight, you run a blog, you do a radio show, or whatever else you can tell them to convince them you're worth listening to. Let's get this tool available to us.
Awakening People On The 3rd Street Promenade
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The Shorter Obsession Dvd
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Obsession: The Anti-jihad Movement Makes Its First Major Move
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"watch Obsession" At The Rnc?
From this source: "Watch Obsession" staff will be in St. Paul this week to promote the documentary "Obsession," a film exposing the dire threat of radical Islamic terrorism. Staff will be available for media interviews before and during the Republican...
Green Energy