Green Energy
George Carlin Has Died
In honor of George Carlin, I will say this;
Piss, Shit, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits!

Those are the seven dirty words you are never allowed to say on TV or radio according to FCC regulations. There are many other words, and phrases which are frowned upon, but they are judged according to context.
George Carlin highlighted the surreal quality of our Free Speech laws in his relentlessly sarcastic and joyous comedy routines. He was arrested for using these words in a comedy routine back in 1972. However, the case was dismissed by the Judge citing free speech laws.
In some ways, George Carlin is the founder of Infidel Bloggers Alliance, although, I doubt he would have enjoyed taking credit for us.
Kevin James Calls Out Hollywood For Not Defending 'innocence Of Muslims' Filmmaker's Free Speech
From Breitbart: Kevin James makes people laugh for a living, both with his long-running sitcom "The King of Queens" and comedy hits like "Paul Blart: Mall Cop." When Breitbart News asked him recently about his views on "The Innocence of Muslims,"...
Tits Toots, Toots Tits
Shit Piss Fuck Cunt Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits New York City would be horrified at the words we used in school and I turned out fine. Right? CBS New York: War On Words: NYC Dept. Of Education Wants 50 ‘Forbidden’ Words Banned From Standardized Tests...
It Has Come To This
So shit piss cunt fuck cocksucker motherfucker and tits are now ok. Just don't say "Crosshairs" CNN's John King: "Before we go to break, I want to make a quick point. We were having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race. My friend Andy Shaw...
On Human Arrogance
We don't discuss this much here. Neither will I. My take? Manmade global warming is a crock of shit doing nothing more than lining the pockets of some already too fat cats. But Carlin said it much better, much longer ago. h/t American Thinker ...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
And now, coming to you live from a Stealth Bomber circling above Mecca, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show. 1) We take the piss out of Presidential Candidate, and prime Islam appeaser, Joe Biden. 2) We destroy Ed Morrissey, and any other...
Green Energy