Green Energy
Green Business
What is Green Business?
A green business is a business which consists minimal negative impact on environment, community, society and economy. It develops business policies and demonstrates commitment to a healthy and sustainable future. A green business should contribute to enhance the quality of life for its employees and customers. Now a days, certification systems have been introduced which strive to standardize these policies.Green Business should meet following requirements:- Business decisions and policies should be implemented following all the principles of sustainability.
- The business operation should create a significant commitment to environmental principles.
- Supplying products should be significantly green and environmentally friendly.
- The business is traditionally greener.
Strategies for Green Business
Green Business has significant impact on ecological and social performance creating it into a three-part organization model which operates along three axes: people, planet and profit. That is, companies should not only consider profit in measuring a business success but also think about social and environmental factors. So, a green business should consider the following environmental and society strategies:
- Energy Management: Energy management is one of the important factor in green business. Sustainable businesses understand that climate change will have a significant impact on our world at all levels, including business success. Green businesses that follow balanced energy management system in planned way, not only save money, but also save themselves against the risk of increasing energy costs and will establish their interest and commitment regarding climate change seriously. Manufacturers should follow energy savings methods for their factory floor and also contribute to produce products that require less energy.
- Water preservation: Green businesses realize that supplying fresh water is very limited which requires preservation. During manufacturing and distribution process, the company should try to minimize water consumption of water and also should strive to produce products which consume less water during their lifespan.
- Solid waste saving and recycling: Quantity of waste produced during the manufacturing process should be minimized. Recycling and reusing of these wastes is the keystone of any green business. As usual, the finished product should also minimize the waste production.
- Preventing Pollution: Preventing pollution are great practices for green business. Sometimes, during manufacturing processes toxic ingredients which causes air pollution, water pollution and ground pollution. A green business will effort to minimize toxins going into their products, diminish toxins at the end of the process and contribute to create toxin-free products.
An ideal green business should follow above strategies. They should plan and produce products that really help the environment. Whether a green business chooses to manufacture highly-efficient solar panels or engineer a new water purification method, the world requires more products that will not only have less impact but also contribute to develop our planet significantly.
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Green Energy