Grotesque escalation in Denmark
Green Energy

Grotesque escalation in Denmark

Some days ago a video was publizized showing members of the right-wing islam critical party ‘Dansk Folkeparti”’s youth department’s summercamp. The video showed the young politicians relaxing with some beer making Muhammed-cartoons.
The danish prime- and foreignminsters have condemned the drawings without making any excuses.
The video was made by by leftist 5th-columnists, who had joined the party to ‘expose their muslim hate’.
Today made 2 new revalations: Dansk Folkeparti has a member-magazine, which in may had an article about a german book about Muhammeds sexual preferences, describing him as a pedophile and a sick person. The article also showed a picture from the book: Mohammed and Aisha - the former with an erigated penis.
Last but not the least funniest: Today the most liberal party in Denmark towards muslims and immigrants, also has a youth department. Today they were exposed for drawing Muhammed drawings at a meeting. What a humiliation. Totally hilarious.
Now everybody wants everybody to make an excuse. But of course - nobody talks about the essence of today: Muhammed as a pedophiliac, MSM says that Dansk Folkeparti ’shows’ Muhammed as a pedophile, noone goes to the root of that.
Another thing: politicians and media worry about the friday-prayers in the muslim countries. I don’t understand - why should we in Denmark worry about a friday prayer in som backward desertcountry?
So it seems the second ‘Muhammed-crisis’ is well under way. Boykotts have already strted in some muslim countries.
Here we go again.

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