Health Care Common Sense - We can't afford more, so it has to cost less
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Health Care Common Sense - We can't afford more, so it has to cost less

Obama's Health Care Plan in a Nutshell

Image by wstera2 via Flickr

That means we either have policies which are not as good, xfer more costs to end users, or the policies themselves cost less, enforcing either leaner operation on insurers, worse policies or lower pay for medical care workers from orderlies, secretaries, data entry people and cafeteria workers to surgeons and admins (good luck).

However, DUH, with OPEN NATIONAL COMPETITION I bet a lot of policy costs would take care of themselves, ESPECIALLY if teamed with SOME KINDS of tort reform which removes the need for wildly profligate lab testing needed for law suit defense.

If we can't afford more, it has to cost less. That's all the repubs had to say and how can the dems disagree? If it costs less, MORE PEOPLE ARE INSURED.

Allow competition and allow reality to exert itself.

How much of a cell phone plan can you now buy for $69.99 a month?

How much was that 10 years ago?

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