Green Energy
The next set of Obama attack commercials
MEDICARE, and vouchers.
Be ready Mitt ..Pauly.
Even in a state like Ohio with about 35-40 health insurance companies health care costs are high, and you are asking people as old as 54 to eschew any nervous sensation they have in the pit of their stomachs when they hear about ….about….
You should be emphasizing in sentence #1 that the SAME MEDICARE will remain if that is the individual choice, but that you will use the commerce clause of the Constitution to ensure that all 1300+ health insurance companies’ policies are available everywhere, and that
- You expect this vastly increased competition for customers to both dramatically decrease cost for seniors AS WELL AS EVERYONE ELSE, and thus the vouchers will go farther
- You expect the CHOICES of different kinds of policies to increase dramatically
- If this does NOT occur via free market competition, you are ready to consider any remedy which ensures American aged 65+ will NOT have to pay more for health insurance, if they choose not to. PERIOD. IRON CLAD COMMITMENT.
- Your intent is to deliver more health care choice at the same or reduced costs for Medicare Recipients, and to find a way to keep the USA RICH ENOUGH for a growing economy to ensure this is possible, and you intend to be PRACTICAL in solving this TURNAROUND SITUATION, not IDEOLOGICAL
But They Were Martyrs For The Greater Good: Nbc-obama Admin. Knew Millions Could Not Keep Their Health Insurance
NBC NewsPresident Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their...
Every Time You Hear Someone Claim Ryan’s Plan Will ‘gut’ Or ‘destroy’ Medicare ‘as We Know It’ Remember, You Are Looking At A Blatant, Unabashed Liar
First, Ryan introduced SEVERAL different bills, one of which was cosponsored by dem Cong. Whyte. That is the latest bill.Why are their several bills? Because Mr Ryan and Mr Whyte reached across the aisle to each other to COMMIT AN ACT WHICH WILL DO SOMETHING.What...
A Morass Of A Decision?
If I cannot afford individual health insurance (about 750-1300/month in this state) the government CANNOT force me to do buy it (that is now unconstitutional), but they can fine me for not being able to afford it, and the state mechanism which...
The Medicare Maze
I spent most of yesterday trying to understand and navigate the complexities of Medigap coverage. You see, this week Mr. AOW's Medicare card arrived in the mail. Even though Mr. AOW will not reach the age of sixty-five for nearly three more years,...
What's The Best Way To Increase Competition Between Health Insurers?
From Astute Bloggers: The Democrats have argued that the "real reason" they favor a "public option" (really government insurance - really a FANNIE MAE for health insurance) is that it is merely a way to create more competition within the health insurance...
Green Energy