Green Energy
Hey, I've seen him before!

Remember this guy in the green helmet? He sure gets around. Last time I saw him he was in the Qana remember...the one where all those children got killed and then hauled around for 8 hours for phot ops? Here he is again, "15 km (9 miles) north of Tyre" Glad to see he has recovered from the howling at the heavens he was doing last week.
Looks pretty doesn't it? Pretty deceiving.... PLEASE, DON 'T USE THESE STAMPS! NOT FOR VALENTINE'S, NOT FOR ANY MAIL!! REMEMBER to adamantly & vocally BOYCOTT this stamp, when you are purchasing your stamps at the post office.. All...
How To Kill A Crusader?
Internet tutorial offers practical tips on 'How to kill a Crusader' Gertz.... Remember the predictions of the Internet as the tool of democracy? Well, guess what. Al Qaida and its aligned groups are using the Internet as a tool for jihad and...
Evil Must Be Duly Noted, Again And Again...
Following up on Pastorius' post and the claim of Libanoscopie that 'Disabled children [were] placed inside building' at Qana, I note that Galliawatch has more. Tiberge translates the argument of a purported French nurse/blogger to speculate...
HotAir is reporting that the situation at Qana in Lebanon might not be as clear cut as the media is currently portraying it. The IDF attack took place sometime before 0100hrs while the building collapsed at 0800hrs. There is speculation that the collapse...
Ap Msm Propaganda At Work
The extent to which the media is being manipulated by Hezbollah is almost farcical. Here we have bodies of children paraded around and photographed for hours with the apparent collusion of AP. For those not familiar with propaganda techniques, the most...
Green Energy