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In 60 years the Russian Federation will be Muslim.

This photo was taken during a demonstration in Pakistan protesting about the Danish cartoons. It can be read: Hate Denmark, Love Prophet, Crush America, Save Islam.
The chief Iranian negotiator with the EU3 recognises that they have mischieved Europeans to build the facilities they needed for the building of atomic weapons. As far as I know, it has not been contradicted. But CNN this morning repoted this. Some reports even tell us about a possible mini-Chernobyl in Teheran, that if happened, took place 2 months ago.
Do you remember Akkari? He was the one who presented the 3 false cartoons to the press. Well, looks like he is a bit violent: The spokesman of the extremist Imams in Denmark, Mr. Ahmed Akkari, violently attacked a 10 to 11 years old pupil while training to become a teacher at Lykkeskolen in Århus. The episode, that took place some years ago, was reported to the police by the school, and Mr. Akkari sacked immediately and forbidden future access to the premises of the school.
Mr. Akkari attacked the boy, during a run and catch game, when the boy touched the headscarf of a girl so that her hair got exposed. Mr. Akkari knocked the boy to the ground and several times hit him in the chest with his fists, completely loosing his self control.
I encourage you to visit this blog (if you have not yet): it's written by a brave young Muslim woman who defies the Islamists. She's not veiled, she wears shorts, etc.. -everything that we do and think it's just natural-, but in Egypt. Especially this post about the discrimination of Christian women in Egypt, written by her and qoting another brave Muslim young Woman.
Has Called For A Boycott Of Norway And Denmark
The Muslim brotherhood has called for a boycott of Norway and Denmark over the recent viewing of the Mohammad cartoons. The boycott is a result of Norwegian TV station, TV2, showing the cartoons during a documentary on Tuesday, and Danish youth politicians...
Infamous Imam Ahmad Akkari Amongst The Rescued From Beirut
The infamous imam Ahmad Akkari - well known for his falsified Muhammed-pig-cartoons - was among the rescued 5.000 ‘danes’ from Libanon. Akkari, who cost the danish Arla ca. US$ 100 million, even managed to get his wife and child to Denmark, although...
Update On Mohammed Cartoons
Abu Laban is a special guest of a Conference on Islamophobia which is taking place in Denmark. Participants will discuss ways of overcoming ignorance of Islam and Muslims that fuel Islamophobia in the West. They will also address a host of speeches on...
Islamofascists Just Keep Digging Themselves A Deeper Grave
Everyday, in every way, they just keep getting stupider and stupider: Imam Ahmed Akkari has issued death threats against Naser Khader of the Social Liberals. Naser Khader founded the organisation “Democratic Moslems” in February, as an organisation...
Danish Imam Threatens Danish Mp
From Jyllands-Posten: The danish imams are defending their prophet Muhammed through an aggressive campaign against Demokratiske Muslimer and critics of the press, in particular the morning paper Jyllands-Posten. This is revealed in a documental from...
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