Green Energy
IBA Banned In The UAE

One of our oldest contributors is a young ex-Muslim man from the United Arab Emirates who goes by the name of the Avenging Apostate.
Today he sent me the following message:
I tried to go to IBLOGA today and the message pasted in the word document is what I saw. I thought you might be interested to know that IBLOGA is being noticed all the way in the UAE.
I used to be able to access IBLOGA before, I don't know when they blocked it but what I do know is that it is blocked now.
I guess the UAE government has turned its attention to blogs now, other blogs are going to follow suite I think.
Anyway, just wanted to update you on this.
Hope you are having fun blogging.
What an honor.
I would like first and foremost to thank my Lord and Personal Savior Jesus Christ without whom I am nothing. I would also like to thank my Mom and my Dad, even though he's dead. And, of course, I have to thank my Agent, Babba Zee, and my publicist, Dag from No Dhimmitude. I also want to give a shout out to my dog, Buggy, for barking and growling at me everytime I enter the house.
Hey Bugs, grrrr.
Avenging Apostate just sent me a followup email with some important information:
If someone wants to read the blog, there are ways to get around this block.
If you want to post solutions to it on your blog, you can tell the readers about the following software:
It is a free software and works okay--doesn't bring the speed down that much. Actually, if you have a fast connection, you won't even notice it. Here's the link to download it:
I use this software to access blocked blogs and other websites, however, I do get off it just to see what the UAE government is up to these days.
Anyway, I don't think you will but I just wanted to say it once more, don't give in to these sissy tactics by the Muslim government, they are fools in thinking they can suppress the truth like this.
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Green Energy