Green Energy
In which I agree with the Obama Admin: IT IS NOT TERRORISM
This naive admin has been loathe to use the word terrorism at all, and has avoided it to the exclusion of reality.
However in discussing the ‘events’ around Nidal Hassan, Fazi, this Kosovar moron in Germany the admin is correct that they should be hesitating about using the moniker of terrorism.
The RED ARMY FACTION were terrorists.
Shining Path are terrorists.
Timothy Mcveigh - TERRORIST
Hassan, Arid U., Najibullah Zazi, KSM, ….
Now we have to ask ourselves, why is our govt not TALKING ABOUT THAT POSSIBILITY?
It’s only debate.

Let’s Cut Thru The Bergdahl Crap In A Few Sentences
We should have gotten him backWe should have written a check YEARS ago (we waste plenty of $ anyway)We should NOT have traded anyone. A N Y O N EObama should NEVER have had the Rose Garden TRUE STUPIDITYSusan Rice is not qualified to speak, EVERNo...
Terrorists' families and ACLU sue Obama admin over deaths of al Qaeda terrorists Birds of feather...Click on the title to read the whole story....
They Are **precisely** Who We Were Afraid They Were - White House: 'war On Terrorism' Is Over
It's official. The U.S. is no longer engaged in a "war on terrorism." Neither is it fighting "jihadists" or in a "global war." President Obama's top homeland security and counterterrorism official took all three terms off the table of acceptable...
The Dhimmis At The Wapo
So what else is new? Via Jihad Watch (emphases mine): In "5 Myths About Terrorism" in the [September 11, 2007] Washington Post (thanks to Steve), Alan B. Krueger provides a sterling example of the politically correct myopia that prevents an accurate analysis...
School-book In Denmark: All Terrorists Are Muslims
The politically correct in Denmark are making a fuzz over a new scoolbook used in teaching about christianity. First the 5th graders have to learn about the Beslan massacre. Next they have to read about 9/11. Both are described as muslim acts of terrorism....
Green Energy