Green Energy
Infidel Babe Of The Week ...

Beyonce Knowles.
I don't think it would be possible to wrap this babes ass in a burqa. The damned thing would catch on fire.
As Von Schlichtningen says, Beyonce is
"horribly, horribly infidel. It would go against all human rights to show her to a Muslim.Please do not be that cruel!"
Ok, I will.
So, in, uhm, researching our new Infidel Babe of the Week, I found that what Von Schlicht says is absolutely true. She is horribly, horribly infidel.

In fact, she is so Infidel that, as you can see, she wears two crosses, yes, count them, two crosses, just to spite the Jihadis.
Now, that's what I call an Infidel Babe.
Infidel Babe Of The Week
Never let it be said that I don't take requests. Some Anonymous commenter rightly criticized me for leaving Kim Kardasian up as Babe of the Week for far too long. He suggested this Babe replace her. And, since the look on her face is an obvious...
Infidel Art
An Infidel is anyone hated by Jihadis. Infidels include Atheists, Agnostics, Footballs lovers (pigskins), Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, porn stars, beer-drinkers, etc. etc. Hell, if you're a Muslim and your fellow Muslims hate you because,...
Infidel Babe Of The Week
Rebecca Romijn. Rebecca Romijn? What are her Infidel credentials, you ask? Well, I say Rebecca is implicitly an Infidel. If you have to ask, then you would never understand anyway. Look at that picture, where else could we be treated to such a lovely...
Muslim Babe Of The Month
From Stogie at Saber Point: Infidel Bloggers Alliance has a tradition of posting an "Infidel Babe of the Week." To be fair, to grant equal time, and to honor multiculturalism with all of its infinite social worth, we have decided to post a "Muslim Babe...
Infidel Babe Of The Week
Salma Hayek. Yeah, she's a People of The Book and all. The Koran says that, someday, the rocks and trees themselves will say, "There's a Jewish girl named Salma hiding behind me. Come slay her." Damn, what a waste that would be. Salma can come...
Green Energy