Green Energy
Infidel Babe Of The Week - Good Friday Edition

Federica Felini.
When this babe is crusading on camera, she can make even the most hardened atheist Infidels among us, shout out the name of Our Lord.
Imagine what she must do to the already chaotic mind of an Islamofascist. He'll be speaking in tongues, frothing at the mouth, and asking the Lord God to throw him into the river to drown; never to be confronted by such beauty again.
Allah be damned. Only Yahweh could create such a heaven on Earth.
God Of Wonders
Lord of all creation, of water, earth and sky The Heavens are your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on High God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are Holy The Universe declares your majesty, You are Holy Alleluia, to the Lord of Heaven and Earth...
Infidel Babe Of The Week
Never let it be said that I don't take requests. Some Anonymous commenter rightly criticized me for leaving Kim Kardasian up as Babe of the Week for far too long. He suggested this Babe replace her. And, since the look on her face is an obvious...
Infidel Babe Of The Week
That's Oriana Fallaci, my friends. This babe is full of passionate venom, pro-Infidel incantations, and she virtually breathes anti-Jihadi fire. You know how dudes are all into the chicks with the tongue piercings because of ... well, you know ......
Muslim Babe Of The Month
From Stogie at Saber Point: Infidel Bloggers Alliance has a tradition of posting an "Infidel Babe of the Week." To be fair, to grant equal time, and to honor multiculturalism with all of its infinite social worth, we have decided to post a "Muslim Babe...
Infidel Babe Of The Week ...
Beyonce Knowles. I don't think it would be possible to wrap this babes ass in a burqa. The damned thing would catch on fire. As Von Schlichtningen says, Beyonce is "horribly, horribly infidel. It would go against all human rights to show her to a...
Green Energy