Green Energy
Infidel Babe Of The Week

That is one of the most beautifully decorated rooms I have ever seen.
I need me a time machine.
That's Ava Gardner, by the way, guys. This chick almost drove Frank Sinatra insane. That's how smokin' she was.
Infidel Bloggers Alliance Babe Of The Week
The actual babe of the week is our sister blog Infidel Bloggers Alliance of the UK. Go check them out. Fellow IBA-Founder,J, started IBA-UK as a forum for UK-specific stories. However, I'm sure that many of us non-UK readers will probably checking...
Infidel Piece Of The Week
Help me out here fellas. The infidel babe you have chosen this week is babealicious alright, yo yo yo........very fuckable but is that it? Is that all it takes to be the IBA babe? You disappoint me ....then why not the babe on the left? You are probably...
Infidel Babe Of The Week
That's Oriana Fallaci, my friends. This babe is full of passionate venom, pro-Infidel incantations, and she virtually breathes anti-Jihadi fire. You know how dudes are all into the chicks with the tongue piercings because of ... well, you know ......
Muslim Babe Of The Month
From Stogie at Saber Point: Infidel Bloggers Alliance has a tradition of posting an "Infidel Babe of the Week." To be fair, to grant equal time, and to honor multiculturalism with all of its infinite social worth, we have decided to post a "Muslim Babe...
Infidel Babe Of The Week ...
Beyonce Knowles. I don't think it would be possible to wrap this babes ass in a burqa. The damned thing would catch on fire. As Von Schlichtningen says, Beyonce is "horribly, horribly infidel. It would go against all human rights to show her to a...
Green Energy