Green Energy
Infidel Babe Of The Week

Pamela, of Atlas Shrugs. She is the blogosphere's equivalent of that Pam Anderson poster everybody has. Just the idea of wrapping this babe in a burqa is a friggin' abomination. I have a feeling, though, that if any dumb Islamofascist ever tried it, he'd be wrapped in pigskin quicker than you can say Ayn Rand.
Infidel Babe Of The Week
Never let it be said that I don't take requests. Some Anonymous commenter rightly criticized me for leaving Kim Kardasian up as Babe of the Week for far too long. He suggested this Babe replace her. And, since the look on her face is an obvious...
Pastorius Is At Atlas Shrugs Now
Yes you read it right! Pastorious is at Atlas Shrugs now. He is also helping in the development of the new global news portal, Maverick News Media (more to follow on that................) Signed your shameless infidel babe of the millenium, Atlas...
Infidel Piece Of The Week
Help me out here fellas. The infidel babe you have chosen this week is babealicious alright, yo yo yo........very fuckable but is that it? Is that all it takes to be the IBA babe? You disappoint me ....then why not the babe on the left? You are probably...
Bikini Blogging With Atlas
Infidel Babe Pamela from Atlas Shrugs treats us to her gorgeous round, uh, thoughts for the day: ...
Infidel Babe Of The Week ...
Beyonce Knowles. I don't think it would be possible to wrap this babes ass in a burqa. The damned thing would catch on fire. As Von Schlichtningen says, Beyonce is "horribly, horribly infidel. It would go against all human rights to show her to a...
Green Energy