Insanity Running Rampant!
Green Energy

Insanity Running Rampant!

Just one more sign of all the ongoing weirdness during this second decade of the second millenium!

From [Memphis City] Council Votes To Move Nathan Bedford Forrest's Remains:
The Memphis City Council unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday to move the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife from Health Sciences Park.

They have been buried in a park on Union Avenue for 110 years.

Council members are also moving ahead with plans to remove the statue of Forrest, even looking at selling the statue to anyone who wants it.

"The Forrest family is solidly opposed to digging up the graves and moving them any place," said Lee Millar with the Son’s Of Confederate Veterans. "The statue just as well. They're opposed to moving the statue too."

Dig up remains which have been at rest for 110 years? Are you kidding me?

There is also this in the same article:
There were rumors that the rush was on to move the statue and graves of Forrest and his wife in order to sell the property to the University of Tennessee.

"Has anyone else heard UT is about to do a $500 million expansion and that park is something they want?" asked council member Janis Fullilove.

"When I made this recommendation I had not heard that," replied council member Lowery.
As for Nathan Bedford Forrest himself, apparently THIS does not matter:
In July 1875, Forrest demonstrated that his personal sentiments on the issue of race now differed from that of the Klan, when he was invited to give a speech before an organization of black Southerners advocating racial reconciliation, called the Independent Order of Pole-Bearers Association. At this, his last public appearance, he made what the New York Times described as a "friendly speech" during which, when offered a bouquet of flowers by a black woman, he accepted them as a token of reconciliation between the races and espoused a radical agenda (for the time) of equality and harmony between black and white Americans. His speech was as follows:...
Read the rest HERE.


An Anonymous commenter writes:
To expose the silliness and overreach of this sort of nonsense (which is in no way related to the SC flag issue) I recommend we fight this fire with fire of our own: 
1) Demand that the National Cathedral remove Woodrow Wilsons remains. He is the man responsible for segregating the civil service and military. 
2) Demand that the FDR memorial be removed since he ordered the internment of Japanese Americans. 
3) Make further demands as necessary to cleanse the US of celebrating its racist past. 
Make certain to educate the Low Information Voters that the sanctioned scoundrels are uniformly Democrats.

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