Green Energy
Ironic Islamic Protesters

I found this at Voices From The Long War, and spruced it up a little bit. Click on the photo to get a larger one.
It seems like a simple thing we could share with people that makes a clear statement without saying much.
I think it would be best to share the larger version. I tried to put a larger one on the post itself, but this is as big as Blogger allowed. So click on it and copy the larger one.
Put Your Drink Down Before Reading This...
Click for larger image. found it at Grouchy Old Cripple's ...
American Flag Fights Back
[click on photo to see larger image] American flag: $25 Gasoline: $2 Cigarette lighter: $2.50 Catching yourself on fire because you are a self-righteous, jihadist asshole: PRICELESS ...
Muslims Are Persecuting Bethlehem's Christians
Click picture to view larger size A store owner in a West Bank city says ''We are harassed, but you wouldn't know the truth. No one says anything publicly about the Muslims''. (Click here for article; related links)...
This Is Awesome!
(Click on photo for larger view) This photo was taken by a soldier in Afghanistan of a helo rescue mission. The pilot is a PA National Guard guy who flies EMS choppers in civilian life. Now how many people on the planet you reckon could set the ass...
Freedom Of Expression
Today is Independence Day here in the USA. I thought I'd celebrate by sharing some links to a few other people who seem to value the freedom to express themselves even though they are not Americans, live half a world away. And yes, are Muslims. Female...
Green Energy