Green Energy
This is awesome!

(Click on photo for larger view)
This photo was taken by a soldier in Afghanistan of a helo rescue mission. The pilot is a PA National Guard guy who flies EMS choppers in civilian life. Now how many people on the planet you reckon could set the ass end of a chopper down on the roof top of a shack on a steep mountain cliff and hold it there while soldiers load wounded men in the rear. If this does not impress you ... nothing ever will. Gives me the chills and a serious case of the vertigo ... I can't even imagine having the nerve ... much less the talent and ability ... God Bless our military.
A Devil in Afghanistan Sacrifices His Life To Save Little Girl The Horror. I'd like to see Hamid Karzai respond to this. I'd like to see all of Afghanistan and the world, for that matter, respond with the same praise as they did vitriol and condemnation...
The Battle At Cop Keating
In Mary's Image sent me a big heads up on this. The firefight between U.S. troops and the Taliban, wherein eight U.S. troops gave their lives fighting back the very sonsabitches from whom President Barack Obama today said he can accept some of their...
Afghans Think American Ladies Too Immodest - Sets Them On Fire - Barack To Talk Them Out Of It
Case 1: Army Social Scientist Set Afire in Afghanistan A social scientist in the Army's controversial Human Terrain program was en route to Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas after being set on fire in and apparent Taliban attack...
Ironic Islamic Protesters
I found this at Voices From The Long War, and spruced it up a little bit. Click on the photo to get a larger one. It seems like a simple thing we could share with people that makes a clear statement without saying much. I think it would be best to share...
Instant Morale: Four Paws And A Tail
I blogged about this issue last May, Michael Yon agrees as he notes in his latest post "Walking the Line 2007:" The Army has prohibited soldiers from adopting dogs since at least World War II, but I have yet to visit a base where combat soldiers or Marines...
Green Energy