Green Energy
Islamic Babe Of The Week

Sometimes, the burqa ain't the impediment to fun that we all suppose it to be. One of the unspoken secrets of the Islamic world is that, if the burqa is sufficiently baggy, it is relatively easy for it to contain not just one human being, but two.
Yes, you know what I'm saying. You can can get up underneath there and take care of business, and no one around you will be the wiser.
Heck, you could be getting it on with some Burqa-wearing babe while her husband sits 10 feet away watching Al-Jazeera, and he wouldn't even know what was going on.
Haram, my ass. There's all sorts of shenanigans going on in Dar al-Islam.
A Woman In A Burqa
When you see a woman in your town wearing a burqa, does it make you feel invaded? If so, does that mean you are an intolerant racist? Does that mean you are a narrow-minded bigot? Let me ask you another question: If you see a nun in your town wearing...
The Burqa: The Chains Of Modern Slavery
The Burqa is a portable concentration camp for women. It is the chains of modern slavery. Whenever I see a woman in a burqa, I know that I am in the presence of a Nazi ideology. If the woman herself is not a Nazi, then her husband, or father - or whatever...
The Slaves Of Islam
When a human being has no choice in whether to go to school or not, whom to marry, what to wear, whether to go outside, whether to drive or not, whether to pursue a vocation, what religion to follow; when a human being has no choice in the fundamental...
Wear A Burqa To The Mall
I've actually seen it done. I've also seen a woman wearing a Burqa at Disneyland. The Happiest Place On Earth, indeed. Anyway, look at what Amir did over at Testing Human Rights. He put on a Burqa Exposition at a local mall. Nothing like a little...
Infidel Babe Of The Week ...
Beyonce Knowles. I don't think it would be possible to wrap this babes ass in a burqa. The damned thing would catch on fire. As Von Schlichtningen says, Beyonce is "horribly, horribly infidel. It would go against all human rights to show her to a...
Green Energy