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Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week

October 22-26, 2007 campuses across America will be participating in an event to make more people aware of the Islamist threat. Read what FrontPage Magazine wrote about it (below are some excerpts from the article):
The Week’s events will include speeches about Islamo-Fascism by prominent figures, including:
- Ann Coulter (Tulane and USC)
- Robert Spencer (Brown, Dartmouth, University of Rhode Island, and DePaul)
- Daniel Pipes (Northeastern and UPenn)
- David Horowitz (Columbia, Emory, Ohio State, Michigan and Wisconsin)
- Michael Ledeen (Maryland), Nonie Darwish (UCLA and Berkeley)
- Wafa Sultan (Stanford)
- former Senator Rick Santorum (Penn State, Temple and UPenn)
- Sean Hannity (Columbia)
- Dennis Prager (UC Santa Barbara)
- radio talk show hosts Melanie Morgan (San Francisco State)
- Michael Medved (University of Washington)
- Martha Zoeller (Georgia Tech)
- Alan Nathan (George Mason)
- and many others
A major theme of the Week will be the oppression of women in Islam. The photo accompanying this article, which shows a teenage girl buried before being stoned to death for alleged sexual offenses, will serve as the poster for the protest Week. The stoning took place in Iran.
The plight of Muslim women will be featured at “teach-in” panels and also at sit-ins in Women’s Studies Departments, designed to protest the absence of courses that focus on Islamic gynophobia. The silence of Women’s Studies departments in the face of this oppression is a national outrage.
A pamphlet on the subject of women’s oppression in Islam, written by Robert Spencer and Phyllis Chesler will be distributed on campuses (and posted on Frontpage next week), along with a petition protesting the campus blackout of this issue.
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is a protest against the censorship that has come to America, and whose chief enforcer is the progressive left.
Anyone who links Islamic radicalism to the terrorist campaigns that are being waged against America, Europe and Israel and against non-radical Muslims in places such as Darfur, is automatically labeled an “Islamophobe.” It is by this means that the enemy seeks to paralyze the defenses of its intended victims.
The progressive left is the enabler and abettor of the terrorist jihad. It has forged an “unholy alliance” with the most retrograde and reactionary forces in the world today.
The institutional base of the left is the university system, from whose classrooms it is conducting a behind-the-lines psychological warfare campaign against its own countrymen and the democratic, secular and tolerant society they have created.
It is time for Americans to rally in their own defense and answer the corrosive lies and libels whose goal is to sap their will to fight. Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is the beginning of that answer and the first line of that defense.
So far, 152 colleges will be participating, with more signing up. You can do something right now: Sign the Islamo-Facism Petition protesting the campus (liberal, PC, multiculturalist) blackout of this issue. Sign the petition here.
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