Green Energy
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week Commences

This week, October 22nd to October 26th, is Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. College campuses will be hosting events to raise awareness of the costs of ignoring the threat of Islamic extremism. If you are near any of these places, you might want to attend:
Brown University (Robert Spencer – 25th, 7pm, Salomon Hall 101)
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (Greg Davis – 24th, 7:30pm, Phillips Hall)
Clemson University (Mike Adams – 25th, 7pm, Hunter 100)
Columbia University (David Horowitz – 26th, 12pm, Lerner Cinema and a panel with Phyllis Chesler, Ibn Warraq, and Christina Sommers – 24th, 8pm, Math 203)
DePaul University (Robert Spencer – 22nd, 7pm, Cortalyou Commons)
Dartmouth (Robert Spencer – 26th, 7pm, Dartmouth Hall room 105)
Emory University (David Horowitz – 24th, 8pm, White Hall 208)
Lawrence University (Jonathan Schanzer – 24th, 7:30pm, Youngchild Hall)
George Mason University (Luana Saghieh and Alan Nathan – 22nd, 8:30pm, Johnson Center Cinema)
George Washington University (Michael Ledeen and Daphne Patai – 22nd, 10am, Mt. Vernon Campus, Eckles Auditorium and David Horowitz – 25th, 8pm, Marvin Center)
Penn State University (Rick Santorum – 23rd, 8pm, 119 Osmond)
Princeton (David Horowitz – 16th, 8pm, McCosh 10)
Pepperdine (Tammy Bruce – 22nd, 7pm, Student Lounge)
SFSU (Brian Sussman – 24th, 12pm, Jack Adams Hall)
Temple University (Rick Santorum – 24th, 8pm, Student Center 218)
Tufts (Daniel Pipes – 24th, 7pm)
Tulane University (Ann Coulter – 22nd, 7pm, McAlister Auditorium)
UC Berkeley (Nonie Darwish – 22nd, 7pm, Evans Hall 10)
UC Santa Barbara (Dennis Prager – 25th, 7pm, Girvetz 1004)
UCLA (Cyrus Nowrasteh – 23rd, 6:30pm, Moore 100 and Nonie Darwish – 24th, 7pm, Haines 82, and Joe Kaufman – 25th, 7pm, Moore 100)
University of Miami (Cyrus Nowrasteh – 24th, 7pm, Whitten University Learning Center)
University of Pennsylvania (Rick Santorum – 24th, 5:30pm, Hillel-Steinhardt Hall, and a panel with Daniel Pipes, Dr. Stephen Gale, and Ed Turzanski – 22nd, 7pm, Huntsman Hall)
University of Rhode Island (Robert Spencer – 24th, 7pm, Memorial Union Ballroom)
University of Washington (Michael Medved – 25th, 7pm, Smith 120)
University of Wisconsin, Madison (David Horowitz – 22nd, 7:30, Wisconsin Union Theater)
USC (Ann Coulter – 24th, 6pm, Annenberg School of Communication – G26)
More then 100 years ago, the book Uncle Tom's Cabin exposed the indignities of chattel slavery. The educational events of Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week modestly seek to enlighten the nation's youth about the incalculable costs of Islamic extremism. Silence is Islamo-Fascism's greatest ally; after viewing this film, every incensed conscience will scream that silence can no longer be tolerated.
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