Green Energy
It goes on and on and on and on.....
NYT:“The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” is not even in bookstores, but already anxieties have surfaced about the backlash it is stirring, with several institutions backing away from holding events with the authors.

Now, I have not yet read the book, but I have read their Harvard/Kennedy School of Govt report, in a detailed fashion several times. The book is based on these ideas, what they claim to be facts, and conclusion.
I will make my OBSERVATIONS again.
The Israel Lobby is the Protocols of Zion, Diet Version.
The very kernel of their 'thesis' is a conclusion they make based on these items:
- AIPAC (American Israel Poltical Affairs Committee), which is a de facto agent for a foreign government, has a stranglehold on the U.S. Congress. (page 19)
- That power derives in part from the influence Jewish voters have on presidential elections. Despite their small numbers in the population (less than 3 percent), they make large campaign donations to candidates from both parties. The Washington Post once estimated that Democratic presidential candidates “depend on Jewish supporters to supply as much as 60 percent of the money.”76 (page 19)
- On the media… they just take a section in order to assert jews are successful ….Manipulating the Media (page 21)
Jews are powerful, rich, and manipulate the media, and btw, do it all against the interests of the USA and for the interest of Israel.
Just substitute the idea of the USA for the world, and we have the Protocols of Zion.
This is the basic, unvarnished, deconstructed assertion of this paper.
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