Green Energy
The wages of academic elitist racism are that your pals turn out to be racists and murderers
Steven Walt, John Mearsheimer, Joan Cole, David Theroux, Edward Peck, Kamal Mashad, and David Duke, et al vs Alan Dershowitz, David Bernstein, and many other Americans, some of whom happen to be Jewish.

The two professors at the Kennedy School of government might as well have gone ahead and tried to say that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are fake, but accurate.

I am bringing this forward because of the startling, disgusting, and outright racist cartoon carried by the now loathsome New York Times this past weekend.
The premise of their working paper which has given cover and glee to racists worldwide is essentially that jews ….well, why not quote them…
The bottom line is that AIPAC, which is a de facto agent for a foreign government, has a stranglehold on the U.S. Congress. (page 19)
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Green Energy