Green Energy
It is only permitted to make jokes about PUTATIVE flaws of the religion od peace. The real ones are taboo.

I am sorry! I'm really sorry! I'm deeply and seriously repentant.
It is, because I have called the Renish carnival a heathen spectacle where pissed-as-a-newt scum hits the streets (or something to the same effect).
I am sorry. I repent.
This year, the valiant carnivalists in city of Düsseldorf, one of the three strongholds of the Rhenish carnival (Cologne and Mainz being the others) where more than half a million people watched the traditional Rose Monday Parade with the themed wagons or floats, had included one, which carried two identical "mullah" figures, each wearing a suicide-bomber's belt and brandishing scimitar and gun. One was labelled "the cliché," the other one "the reality."
The messages of the floats have to be, naturally, succinct, and frankly, as much as I hate so say it, that's a seriously good one! Succinct, to the point, illustrative, illuminating.
Of course, Muslims were miffed.
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Green Energy