Green Energy
Too Good Not To Pinch
Dr BulldogGee, What the Heck is She Holding Onto???Posted 26 February, 2009 by doctorbulldog

A carnival float depicting a flying U.S. President Obama
with Europe being dragged along is seen during the traditional
carnival parade in Duesseldorf, Germany, on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009.
Maybe If We Pretend We Are Dead, The Muslims Will Leave Us Alone - Germany Shuts Down Major Parade Due To Threat Of Islamist Attack
BERLIN, Germany — A carnival parade in the northern German town of Braunschweig was cancelled at short notice Sunday due to a “concrete threat” of an Islamist attack, police said.“Reliable state security sources have made it known that a...
Holder Won't Investigate The Irs, But He Will Investigate The Obama Outhouse Float
Fuck Barack Obama that stupid piece of shit President. And fuck Eric Holder too. He's even lower than a piece of shit. He is bloody diarrhetic cancer pus. reported: The U.S. Department of Justice has joined the discussions over a controversial...
Barack Obama Mocked at This Year’s Mardi Gras ParadeOne Mardi Gras float pictured Barack Obama in hellfire this year. Mary Rose Rybak at First Thoughts reported on the floats in this year’s New Orleans Mardi Gras parade. One float “Experiment of...
Coming To You Straight From Their Terrorific Kashmir Tour
Dr. Bulldog Intelligence Reports Lashkar-e-Taiba Active in the United States of America Posted 11 March, 2009 by doctorbulldog LeT bigger threat than Al-Qaeda, says US intelligence March 11, 2009 - Electric News PAKISTAN terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)...
It Is Only Permitted To Make Jokes About Putative Flaws Of The Religion Od Peace. The Real Ones Are Taboo.
I am sorry! I'm really sorry! I'm deeply and seriously repentant. Why? It is, because I have called the Renish carnival a heathen spectacle where pissed-as-a-newt scum hits the streets (or something to the same effect). I am sorry. I repent. This...
Green Energy