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Jinns And Devil Haunt Muslim Toilets

Hey Muslims, just because you hear strange gruntings, groanings, exhalations, and the occastional scream, emanating from the bathroom does not mean their are devils haunting the toilet.
From Dhivevi Resistance:
If we happen to be in an Islamic Paradise, we might be completely surprised that many Muslims still believe these Islamic voodoos. For example, if you are in a village in Bangladesh or Pakistan, you will come across with many devout Muslims who will vouch that they had seen jinns inside their primitive latrines. A few of them might even swear that the local Imam or an Islamic mendicant had been able to chase out jinns and devils from their toilets when the jinns or devils caught their women in the toilets. Note that it is usually the women (pretty ones) who fall victims to the jinns and devils residing in rural Islamic latrines.
Please do not laugh. If we were to believe the following ahadith then it is certainly true that Islamic toilets are the perennial abodes of jinns and devils.
In Sunaan Abu Dawud (1.0006) we read that toilets are frequented by jinns and devils. Sunaan ibn Majah (1.296) writes that devils visit public toilets.
Let us read in full the first hadis:
Sunaan Abu Dawud, Book 1, Number 0006:
Narrated Zayd ibn Arqam:
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said:
These privies are frequented by the jinns and devils. So when anyone amongst you goes there, he should say: "I seek refuge in Allah from male and female devils."
- Pray Before Entering an Islamic ToiletSince jinns and devils visit Islamic toilets, Muhammad instructed his followers to offer prayer when entering a lavatory. We have already read a hadis on this. Here are a few more.
- Pray when answering the call of nature…(Sahih Bukhari, 1.4.144)
When you enter a lavatory say, “O Allah, I seek refuge in Thee from wicked and noxious things."…(Sahih Muslim, 3.0729)
- When entering a toilet, say a prayer: O’ Allah I seek refuge with you from all offensive and wicked things (evil deeds and evil spirits)…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.19)
To screen you from jinns, when visiting toilet say Bismillah…(Sunaan Tirmidhi, 130) Do Not Hold Your Penis With Your Right HandUh Imam, there's a problem here. You see, my Johnson is so big, I have to hold it with both hands, so I can not refrain from holding it with my right hand.
Is there a special toilet prayer for those who are burdened with enormous schlongs?
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