Green Energy
Make Something Up

Those of you who like to comment anonymously, I urge you to give yourself a name of some sort, because when several different people use Anonymous, we don't know which anonymous is which. Make something up. It's fun! How about X-man. Or Hellrazer. Or Mr. Calm. Or Voss. Or Mrs. Landmine. The Faceless Avenger? The Prophet of Doom? Terminator? T-1000?
An easy way to do it is to create a blog on Blogger using your cool new name (it only takes a couple of minutes to do) and don't bother blogging on it if you don't want. But then Blogger will automatically put your cool name on the comment form for you. You can do this with complete anonymity.
If you need ideas for names, I'm sure the commentators on this site can come up with some great ones (many of them already have). You may be surprised to learn that my name is not actually Mr. Warrior, although I do look a lot like the guy in the picture.
Please Email Blogger!
For one whole week now, I have been unable to update my blog, A New Dark Age Is Dawning: It has been ‘frozen’ for further investigation because Blogger fears that my blog is a “spam blog”. You will know that it certainly is no such thing.. I have...
From A Concerned American Warrior
I received the following email a couple of days ago and I haven't had time to follow up on it. And I won't have time for another couple of weeks, so I thought I'd post it and see if someone can look into it, find out what this is about, and...
A Modest Suggestion - Actual Billboard From Muslim Country
The billboard is from Indonesia. Click on the image to enlarge.Some great comment from our readers:Anonymous said... Notice that in the X side of the picture - the people are active and the Muslim side - they are not.Damien said... Anonymous,Yeah...
Is Google From Hell? Updated Updated Updated At Bottom
Pamela at Atlas Shrugs is very upset that Google has done something which has caused her blog to no longer be a resource for information on the Jihad. If you don't believe that Google does this type of thing, then click here. Not a single hit is directed...
Fjordman Signs Off
Sad day for the blogosphere. Fjordman, the intrepid Norwegian blogger and fierce anti-jihad figure, has posted to his blog for the final time. He is retiring from blogging for other pursuits. We all knew this was coming for some time but nevertheless...
Green Energy