Green Energy
A Modest Suggestion - Actual Billboard From Muslim Country

The billboard is from Indonesia. Click on the image to enlarge.
Some great comment from our readers:
Anonymous said...
Notice that in the X side of the picture - the people are active and the Muslim side - they are not.
Damien said...
Anonymous,Yeah I did notice that, but thanks for pointing it out anyway. Also on the Muslim side they seem stiff like Robots, especially the father. At least I think he is supposed to be the head of the family.
Strul Z. said...
There is a whole wealth of meanings in the two pictures, most of them probably unintended. I think it is highly significant that the tangible symbols of modern civilisation in the first picture - tall buildings, what seems to be a motorway flyover - are replaced by a mosque in the second. The contrast between relaxed, carefree spontaneity and "submission" could not be more stark.
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Green Energy