Green Energy
CAIR Billboard Photoshop Contest!

This CAIR billboard is just too much not to mess with, it is BEGGING to be Photoshopped. My skills are minimal, but even I managed something. We have a lot of talented contributors and readers here, and I'm sure that we can all come up with LOTS of submissions (no pun intended). So have some good Infidel fun folks, and keep them coming in!
Here's my less than adequate but goofy one, followed by a nice one sent to me by someone wishing to remain anonymous:

Arabic Billboard In Nazareth Calls For Running Over Israelis
A large billboard in Israel’s largest Arab city, Nazareth, is using a play on words in Arabic between ISIS – “Daesh,” and running down with a vehicle – “daes,” to promote vehicular terror attacks against Israelis, Israel’s Walla News...
h/t Gateway Pundit ...
A Modest Suggestion - Actual Billboard From Muslim Country
The billboard is from Indonesia. Click on the image to enlarge.Some great comment from our readers:Anonymous said... Notice that in the X side of the picture - the people are active and the Muslim side - they are not.Damien said... Anonymous,Yeah...
Let's Start A War
OK, CAIR's voice on YouTube has now enabled comments on his latest videos. I say we use that right to comment to show just how many of us out here oppose CAIR. YT does limit the amount of comments you can leave at a time, making users sit it out...
Ibrahim Hooper In Drag
I'm not saying he's gay. Let me be clear about that. Anyway, fellow Infidel blogger, Pim's Ghost, has been boning up on her photoshop skills lately, in hopes of pissing off a bunch of Islamofascists. Check out her newest creation, CAIR's...
Green Energy