Fidus (1868-1949) was recognized as perhaps the greatest psychedelic artist ever, pre-dating the 1960’s multi-colored posters and albums by over a half century.
I remember the zenith of The Summer Of Love, when the Hippie movement was in full efflorescence and I had always assumed that the Hippies were all left wing types. Whenever a Hippie is depicted in the Hollywood movies or contemporary culture they are always shown as ethnic adoring acolytes of Lenin and Trotsky, and the ideology of the Hippies depicted as some form of insipid socialism. Their environmentalism is always secondary to their loyalty to the Liberal Consensus.
This is of course a total fiction,
The Hippie movement was primarily a nationalist movement, and the Hippie movement was destroyed when activists from the Left infiltrated the movement and politicised it as an instrument of internationalism.
The true Hippies understood that the secret of saving humanity, the national environment and the Earth itself was to 'Revere Your Locality' and love and protect the natural environment where you live.
This was a classic Environmental Nationalist position with clear Bio-Regionalist principles, but the left infiltrated the Hippie movement and 'internationalised' the struggle to defend the land and the Earth as this fitted their 'internationalist ' Communist agenda at the time of the 1960's and 1970's.
I remember when I used to go to the Rock Festivals and noticed whilst wading knee deep through the mud that all the stalls all sold the exact same things and that all the hippies were wearing the same uniform.
Consumerism conquered Woodstock and the Hippies all sold out.
This process began in the Sixties with the Hippies who said that in order for us to be happy we must do as we wish, and that all social bond and conventions must be rejected if we are to be free.
This was the birth of the Selfish Society
It was the Hippies who destroyed society not the capitalists - the capitalists merely got rich exploiting what the Hippies did.
The New Socialism is where the State and the Corporations each profit mutually from each other.
Today we have worst of all possible worlds - we have Political Correctness in the Public Sphere and Consumerism/New Socialism in the Private Sphere.
The profits of the corporations are taxed and used to subsidise the Servile State and its army of socialist politically correct minions
Individualism and liberty is under attack from all sides.
Consumerism/New Socialism seeks to replace individualism with Commodity Fetishism and turn us all into the tribes of Reebok, Armani and Gap whilst Political Correctness passes ever more laws that restrict free speech and creates Thought Crimes and Hate Laws to restrict democratic debate and deny us our ancestral liberties.
We have in fact created the ultimate fascist society, where the avdertising agencies pump out the creedo 'BELIEVE, OBEY, BUY' and the Nazi Jugend of Consumerism/New Socialism all wear their uniforms of trainers, tracksuits and baseball caps.
They love who are they told to love, hate who they are told to hate and wear what they are told to wear.
Even those who are rebel are manufactured ciphers. Revolution itself has become an aspect of consumerism/New Socialism.
If you want to be a rebel then you have to become a Goth, a Hippie or a Punk - each of which are cults dominated by an image and corporate commidity supply base that peddles their rebellion/conformity to them.
We are swamped with immigrants and illegal aliens, our national environment is devastated and under threat.
On all fronts, the left and New Socialism are leading our people to ruination.