Green Energy
Mein Kampf - Big In Egypt

Cairo Book Fair:
Religious Books, MeinKampf
Selling Well
We in the West have to wake up to the fact that the Islamic world is seriously ill. A fire has started in their brains, and they live mental lives of barbarism, racism, and murderousness.
It might sound extreme for me to say that, but when viewed in the perspective of history, you will understand that this has happened in other societies as well. Germany went crazy in the thirties and forties, as did Japan. North Korea is currently a very sick society run by an evil madman. And, of course, we all know that madmen have run various societies into the ground throughout history.
So, you see, it is not racist or bigoted for me to say what I am saying. I am simply stating a fact. And, here is more evidence:
[M]any complain that the crowds are just there to picnic and buy religious books…
Of the 700 Egyptian and Arab publishers at the fair, the vast majority stock religious books on their shelves. “Even we reserve about a quarter of our catalog for them,” said publisher Ansari.
Korans of all styles, from the simple to the leather-bound, share shelf space with collections of religious sayings and fatwas as well as their more modern incarnations on cassettes and compact disks.
The fair also has its darker sides, with anti-Christian polemics advocating conversion to Islam as the only solution to a flawed religion and of course plenty of editions of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” for sale.
“It makes up a big part of our success, especially among the 18 to 25 crowd,” said Mahmud Abdallah of the Syrian-Egyptian Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi publishing house…
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