Green Energy
Muslim Brands Britain "Nazi" - Brits Are Furious

I love to see Brits speaking up for what they believe in, and have stood for:
WAR widows and MPs reacted angrily last night after a Muslim leader warned Britain was becoming like Nazi Germany.
Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari said perceptions of Muslims were so negative there was a danger that people’s minds would be “poisoned as they were in the Thirties”.
His comments, made on the eve of Remembrance Sunday, came as a Sunday Express poll showed the Conservatives surging into an eight-point lead over Labour on the back of public concern about immigration.
Dr Bari, head of the Muslim Council of Britain, also called for Britain to adopt Islamic customs like arranged marriage and to ban the drinking of alcohol in public places.
His comments sparked an angry response last night as the nation prepared to remember its war heroes, including the millions killed or wounded fighting Nazi Germany.
Tory MP Patrick Mercer, a former Army Colonel, said: “I find it pretty distasteful that the Muslim Council of Britain is comparing the society for which I fought, and for which my father and grandfather fought, with a system I find abhorrent.
You've got to go read the comments on this article at the Sunday Express.
Woo hoo!
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