Green Energy
Storm Track Disinformation: Who’s Really Fueling Muslim Tensions?

I’m getting sick and tired of the blatant disinformation that the Islamists are allowed to spew unchallenged in the Western media. It’s high time each and very one of these attempt at '
taqiyya' be challenged with the truth.
Case in point, the news that the Muslim Council of Britain warns that how Britain tackles terrorism and treats Islamic culture is recreating a society reminiscent of Nazi Germany and claiming that ‘negativity’ on Islam “fuels tension”.
Nowhere is it said in this or any other articles that quote the concerns of the Muslim Council of Britain it’s response to events that actually fuels the tensions against Islam that they speak of.
Here are just a few.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
Storm Track Infiltration: Europe Exporting Terror
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Muslim Brands Britain "nazi" - Brits Are Furious
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Storm Track Infiltration: Britain Was Warned Over A Decade Ago
From The Gathering Storm “It is a matter of deep regret that the Government, all political parties and the mass media in Britain are now engaged in a relentless campaign to reduce Muslim citizens of this country to the status of a disparaged and...
Storm Track Intimidation: Stop Criticizing Us Or We’ll Kill You
From The Gathering Storm Britain will have to deal with up to two million Islamic terrorists unless there is an end to 'demonising' of Muslims, the leader of the most influential Muslim organization has said. Treating all Muslims as if they...
Green Energy