Green Energy
Nothing Good Can Come of This
Are you fucking kidding me? I mean really. This is pandering of the worst sort and I hope Crowley doesn't go for it. I can't see Obama even being a beer drinker. Now Hillary. . .

Hell, if it will keep him from doing it I'll buy Crowley a case of Yuengling and send it to him.
Gawd I need a drink. Where's my Wild Turkey. . .
Newsmax:Obama Still Wants Beer With Gates, CrowleyMonday, July 27, 2009 11:31 AM
WASHINGTON -- The White House says plans are under way for the police officer and professor at the center of a racial controversy to join President Barack Obama for a beer.
Spokesman Robert Gibbs says he hopes Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. will have a drink with the president this week.
Crowley arrested Gates in his home earlier this month after receiving a report of a possible break-in. Obama initially said the police acted "stupidly." But the president called Crowley Friday and told him he regretted his choice of words. The two discussed getting a beer at the White House with Gates.
You're supposed to have a shot with that, sir.
(I think he's turning green. . .)
1600 Copperhead Road
Dear Uncle Barry. Best watch out for them rev'noors. Signed MR The Hill: Obama as beer-brewer-in-chief By Daniel Strauss - 03/04/11 11:33 AM ET Barack Obama will go down in history as, among other things, the first president to brew his own beer in...
Promoting Grievance And Polarization
President Obama, Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Sergeant James Crowley met "for a beer" the day before yesterday. This official White House photo by Pete Souza shows them walking from the Oval Office to the Rose Garden. The story behind that meeting...
Stand-up Cambridge Pd Releases Gates Tapes!
WBZ-TV News in Boston is reporting that the tapes of the 911 call and radio dispatches made during the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry "Skip" FOB (Friend of Barack) Gates have been released, and that the 911 call includes no indication of "racial profiling"...
Crowley: The Apology Won't Come From Me
Newsmax: Cop Tells Obama: I Didn't Vote for You and Won't Apologize Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:44 PM By: Newsmax Staff The police officer at the center of a national racial firestorm triggered by President Barack Obama told an interviewer Thursday...
Nosirree No Race Baiting Here. . .
from last night's Obama fornication fest with the media: Obama was asked about the arrest of Gates, who is his friend, at the end of a nationally televised news conference on health care Wednesday night. "I think it's fair to say, number one,...
Green Energy