Green Energy
Nov 08.. if Romney would be destroyed by the dems, McCain will be destroyed by the Repubs

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Only Ann Coulter.......
Waylon Jennings, Jessi Coulter, Tompall GlaserThe Original Outlaws ...
Amnesty, Border Security And Immigration Are 3 Separate Issues - Treat Them That Way
Ann Coulter is going nuts over her CORRECT tactical interpretation of numbers in immigration. That article is a MUST READTed Cruz is going nuts over his CORRECT tactical interpretation of what House republicans might do by getting BEHIND anything...
Live Blogging The Debate - Mitt Romney Sounds Like He Has No Ideas On Foreign Policy
When they started digging into Egypt, I thought, "Ah, here we go. Mitt needs to speak out on the behalf of the Christians who are being murdered, and whose Churches are being destroyed, and who are being hounded out of their own country." Does he do it?...
Tisha B'av And Baseless Love
Tonight and tomorrow are Tisha b'Av, the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av, the day on which both the First and the Second Temples were destroyed. It is a day which is 'ready for tragedies' in our Rabbis' words, and in fact, several...
The Uae Port Story Is A Bunch Of Bullshit
If you thought it was strange that all of the sudden Democrats were worried about the security of the United States, you were right to be suspicious. The Astute Blogger has got the goods. Now that you know the facts, ask yourself, why would the Dems lie...
Green Energy