Green Energy
Tisha b'Av and baseless love

Tonight and tomorrow are Tisha b'Av, the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av, the day on which both the First and the Second Temples were destroyed. It is a day which is 'ready for tragedies' in our Rabbis' words, and in fact, several other tragedies have befallen the Jewish people on this day. You can find out much more about it
here and
Our Rabbis tell us that while the First Temple was destroyed due to violations of the three cardinal sins (idol worship, adultery and murder), the Second Temple was destroyed due to baseless hatred. Therefore, they tell us, the Temple can only be rebuilt through baseless love. It is in that spirit that this video (
Hat Tip: NY Nana) is presented.
Let's go to the videotape, and I'll have a little more to say afterward.
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Green Energy