Obama Seems To Have Lost The Debate Worse With Every Passing Day
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Obama Seems To Have Lost The Debate Worse With Every Passing Day

I thought Obama's debate performance was bad. I thought Mitt Romney was good. And, I thought the clear winner was Romney.

But, I did not think Obama's loss was that bad a beating.

Sure, Romney was the winner (of the debate) in opinion polls by a 72-22%. But, that does not mean he was he actually three times better than Obama.

Obama, in my, apparently, very minority opinion, did a decent enough job in the debate. He simply has absolutely nothing to run on.

If Romney says to Obama, "What you're doing is not working. Here's what I would do," Obama can not counter by saying, "Well, your ideas are bad, and mine are at least a little bit." Because everyone knows they are not.

But instead of coming to the aid of their man, now the Libs are freaking out, a la Andrew Sullivan:

“Did Obama Just Throw The Entire Election Away?”
The Daily Dish:
The Pew poll is devastating, just devastating. Before the debate, Obama had a 51 – 43 lead; now, Romney has a 49 – 45 lead. That’s a simply unprecedented reversal for a candidate in October. Before Obama had leads on every policy issue and personal characteristic; now Romney leads in almost all of them. Obama’s performance gave Romney a 12 point swing! I repeat: a 12 point swing.
Romney’s favorables are above Obama’s now. Yes, you read that right. Romney’s favorables are higher than Obama’s right now. That gender gap that was Obama’s firewall? Over in one night:
Currently, women are evenly divided (47% Obama, 47% Romney). Last month, Obama led Romney by 18 points (56% to 38%) among women likely voters.
Seriously: has that kind of swing ever happened this late in a campaign? Has any candidate lost 18 points among women voters in one night ever?…
…I’m trying to see a silver lining. But when a president self-immolates on live TV, and his opponent shines with lies and smiles, and a record number of people watch, it’s hard to see how a president and his party recover. I’m not giving up. If the lies and propaganda of the last four years work even after Obama had managed to fight back solidly against them to get a clear and solid lead in critical states, then reality-based government is over in this country again. We’re back to Bush-Cheney, but more extreme. We have to find a way to avoid that. Much, much more than Obama’s vanity is at stake.
Read the whole thing.
And here, Joe Scarborough says exactly what I am thinking:

“We were talking this weekend and you’re hearing it and I’m hearing it, this terrible debate performance, the impact seems to keep growing and growing. It’s like turning now into an urban legend. By the middle of next week people will say Barack Obama can’t walk down the sidewalk without stumbling. I’m stunned at how Democrats seem to get more depressed by the day. I’ve had people who’ve never voted Republican in their life say I may have to do it this year… There has been a real “Emperor has no clothes moment” over the past week.”

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