U.S. strategic nuclear war plans call for using nuclear weapons against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria and another state linked to Islamist terrorists, according to documents made public last week.The 2009 war plan known as OPLAN 8010 is titled Strategic Deterrence and Global Strike. It calls for attacks on enemy military forces, weapons of mass destruction infrastructure, military and national leadership and war supporting infrastructure, according portions of the plan made public by the Federation of American Scientists.
The plan was produced in 2008 by the U.S. Strategic Command and its disclosure comes as the Obama administration is preparing a major shift in its nuclear warfighting strategy outlined in the forthcoming report of the Nuclear Posture Review.
President Barack Obama departs the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. on Feb. 28. AFP/Jewel Samad
U.S. officials said the new strategy will reduce reliance on nuclear weapons and increase precision-guided conventional strike weapons that are delivered on bombers, missiles, and unmanned vehicles.
The Quadrennial Defense Review made public recently states that U.S. nuclear forces will continue to provide "regional deterrence" in places like Asia and Europe with nuclear weapons and missile defenses. It also states that the regional "architectures" and new capabilities "make possible a reduced role for nuclear weapons in our national security strategy."
However, to upgrade the aging nuclear weapons arsenal, the Obama administration is set to spend $7 billion on infrastructure and weapons upgrades, despite opposition from anti-nuclear weapons advocates in Congress who regard any modernization as contrary to President Obama's pledge to ultimately eliminate all nuclear weapons.
As part of the new strategy, the Japanese press reports from last week stated that the Obama administration notified Tokyo that it will retire nuclear Tomahawk sea-launched cruise missiles, a move critics say could increase the risk that Japan will seek to develop its own nuclear deterrent, something the Japanese so far have declined to do.
The FEAR of nuclear weapons is precisely what kept cataclysmic conventional world wars killing SCORES of millions from occurring.
I absolutely FAIL to understand why these moronic DREAMERS imagine otherwise. All of human history tells us what will happen without deterrent force level nuclear weapons.
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