Didn't you know Sinn Fein and most Irish believed that the new testament, uncreated and always existing and its author, God, made Northern Ireland property of the Catholics until judgment day?
He also said he is not naive.
Then he is stupid or disingenuous.
He claimed that if mothers were in charge for a while there would be peace.
Is this woman an outlier on the bell curve? Anyone making that case? I think she is to one side, between the center and the edge. To many, her unshakeable belief that her actions, and her children's, guarantee her and them paradise is precisely what makes a succesful candidate. And she is. Elected. She represents the Palestinians.
Maryam Mohammad Yousif Farhat (Arabic: مريم محمد يوسف فرحات) (or Mariam Farahat; born in 1950), popularly known as Umm Nidal, "the mother of Nidal" or "the mother of struggle"[1], is one of Hamas' most popular candidates elected in the Palestinian legislative election, 2006. She sent three of her six sons on Hamas suicide missions against Israel.
She attracted public attention after being filmed joyously preparing and advising her 17-year old son Muhammad Farhat for his March 2002 suicide attack against Israeli civilians. After infiltrating the Gaza Strip former Jewish settlement of Atzmona, opening fire on the students and throwing hand grenades at the school where they were studying, killing five teenagers and wounding 23 others, he was shot dead. Upon hearing of her son's death, she celebrated proclaiming "Allahu Akbar!" and giving out boxes of halva and chocolates
Sounds just like Northern Ireland. DELUSIONAL.
75 percent of Palestinian Arabs do not recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, and 70 percent in fact support a one-state solution where Jews would be a minority. (Near East Consulting poll, February 12-15, 2007)
67 percent of Palestinian Arabs support Hamas in its refusal to recognize Israel's right to exist. (Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research poll, September 14-16, 2007)
61.3 percent of Palestinian Arabs support continued terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians, and 52.5 percent support rocket attacks on Israeli towns, even during peace talks. (Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah University, September 7-9, 2006)
69 percent of Palestinian Arabs see terrorism against Israelis as legitimate; furthermore, 65 percent support Al Qaeda attacks on the US and Europe. (Fafo poll, December 22, 2005)

Anyone think the protestants thought Ireland had no right to exist or that the catholics thought Britain has no right to exist? Or that two thirds of the Irish supported Sinn Fein's nonexistant plan to destroy Great Britain? Or that EITHER side had two thirds of the populace ready to take responsibility THE POLICY of killing the other side's civilians?
If Obama actually believes what he is saying, and this is a typical example and sample of his historic knowledge, player knowledge, and portent of action, every foreign effort will be a failure.
Two months