Green Energy
Oh The Humanity!
Many a soul can post an image of the plated Thanksgiving table, ready to be ravaged. Far fewer the brave individuals who'll show
the AFTERMATH. (graphic images)
What went with that fine fine bottle of Meursault & John Adams' Century Rolls:

And, of course, a nod and a wag to our cleanup crew:

Hope you're all having a great day and are all as full as I am.
Right, break over. Time for (gasp!) Pumpkin Pie!
The Iconic Image For The Boston Marathon Jihad Attacks
Lifted in its entirety from Tammy Swofford's blog (dated April 18, 2013): Yes, I have violated my own policy to avoid graphic images. Two things caused me to consider posting this image. *A print media organization chose to photo-shop injuries to...
Tonight we light the great neighborhood Halloween Fire, hand out the candy and toast marshmallows & s'mores for the trick or treaters. And wait for the Great Pumpkin to rise from my wife's very small (3-1/2 pumpkins) but very sincere (it's...
Guardian Newspaper: New Airport Scanners May Break Child Porn Laws - What Would Charles Johnson Think Of That?
The Guardian headline, at this time, actually says: New scanners break child porn lawsI've amended that to "may break child porn laws", because I think that, legally-speaking, that's more fair. The issue has not been settled, though I do, indeed,...
Still Time To Vote
I Vote Often. How about you? from Shenandoah: The Election You May Have Missed, But There is Still Time to Vote By John Galt April 18, 2009 Saturday morning, April 18, 2009, I spent time in line as number 1000 plus to vote. The line went far beyond my...
On This Day March 26
March 26, 1971 Bangladesh (East Pakistan) declares its independence Human life reduced to an inch of foreskin (Hindu or Muslim?): Normally I do not like linking to my blog, because when I post here IBLOGA is my main priority But due to the graphic...
Green Energy