Green Energy
Oil Resources In The United States
The following image is courtesy of
Mike's America:

Click directly on the above image to enlarge it. Keep the image in your mind's eye the next time you fill up at a gas station.
So, why aren't our leaders hopping to it and freeing us from the shackles of OPEC?(Crossposted to
Always On Watch)
If Obama Had Been Potus In 1941
Click directly on the image to enlarge it: ...
Cdc Notice About Ebola Transmission
Of course (Click directly on the image to enlarge it): Read the entire link at the top of this blog post. No wonder that we're now hearing rumblings about changes in Ebola policy!...
Anti-obama Obituary
Click directly on the image to enlarge it....
U.s. Terror History Map
Click directly on the image to enlarge it: Go HERE to Steven Emerson's The Investigative Project On Terrorism for the interactive version....
Obama's Associations
Click directly on the following image to enlarge it: (with a hat tip to Right Truth)...
Green Energy