Green Energy
Anti-Obama Obituary

Click directly on the image to enlarge it.
The Three Phases Of Muslim Immigration
Click directly on the image to enlarge it: Meanwhile, most Western leaders choose to disregard the above reality. The West will continue to devolve....
Cdc Notice About Ebola Transmission
Of course (Click directly on the image to enlarge it): Read the entire link at the top of this blog post. No wonder that we're now hearing rumblings about changes in Ebola policy!...
Anti-obama Obituary
Click directly on the image to enlarge it....
Obama's Associations
Click directly on the following image to enlarge it: (with a hat tip to Right Truth)...
Oil Resources In The United States
The following image is courtesy of Mike's America: Click directly on the above image to enlarge it. Keep the image in your mind's eye the next time you fill up at a gas station. So, why aren't our leaders hopping to it and freeing us from...
Green Energy