- The Civil Right Not To Be Offended
A follow-up to this post by Midnight Rider, from something I will be posting tomorrow at my site: For a moment, forget the blasphemy issue. Think about this:[I]f you post an image intended to distress some...political...group, you too can be sent to jail...Does...
- The Civil War In France
With a hat tip to Mustang of Social Sense: Read Mustang's accompanying essay, "Invasion from within," HERE. Note this conclusion:This video is both interesting and relevant because an invasion is happening here, too. Does it matter if Moslems threaten...
- Israel Connects With U.s. Early Warning System
This is an extremely significant development. Even during the Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the United States was very reluctant to allow Israel access to such information.....and when the Americans did allow access to their early warning system....it...
- Update On Bacon & Wine Policeman
Further to the previous posting by pastorius there is now more information courtesy of the Daily Mail. It seems that the policeman concerned was not offended and he said this: "I told her I knew it was meant as a joke and did not want to make a formal...
- Infidels Are Never Offended
Pastorius, you are ever the politician, but let me just say... I hate the word "offended." And that was nice of you to tame your post for the offended. That word used to mean something. If someone called your Mother a whore, and if she wasn't, that...