Green Energy
The Civil Right Not To Be Offended
A follow-up to
this post by Midnight Rider, from something I will be posting tomorrow at my site:
For a moment, forget the blasphemy issue.
Think about this:
[I]f you post an image intended to distress, you too can be sent to jail...
Does that statement apply to political parties? Is it really possible that posting an image offensive to political parties could land someone in jail?
Whatever happened to the tradition of
Thomas Nast? In addition to creating images satirizing politics, he created the image of Uncle Sam as well as the Republican Party elephant and the Democratic Party donkey.
Read more about Nast's notable works
HERE and his accomplishments
HERE, particularly Nast's contribution to the downfall of Boss Tweed, the leader of the corrupt
Tammany Hall.
Furthermore, wouldn't Nast's
John Chinaman be considered offensive in today's climate of political correctness? See that image below:

Should we now ban the online image of
John Chinaman?
With regard to codifying the civil right not to be offended, what about printed words that offend a given group? Should those words, if offensive to a particular group, be forbidden and even prosecutable?
THIS is but one of many examples indicating that being offended is in the eye of the beholder. Obviously, the teacher's being offended was a personal and political choice.
If we codify a civil right not to be offended, we will reach the point that everything we say, write, or post has to be weighed against whether or not somebody else might be offended. At that point, communication will cease. Reminder about Everybody Draw Mohammed Day: "Molly Norris, Artist Behind 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day' Cartoon, Goes Into Hiding"
Damien sent this over: I thought you might like to know about this. It looks like the Tennessee legislature is now trying to ax the first amendment, to stop people from hurting other people's feelings. Talk about PC fascism. According to a person...
The Case Of Molly Norris Simply Proves Islam Is A Criminal Organization
From Winds of Jihad: Molly Norris apologized for “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day,” and clerics calls for her death anyway (Yakima Conservative Examiner)Death sentences for cartoonists? Good golly, Ms. MollyDeath Threats for Molly Norris (Reality bites,...
Update On Bacon & Wine Policeman
Further to the previous posting by pastorius there is now more information courtesy of the Daily Mail. It seems that the policeman concerned was not offended and he said this: "I told her I knew it was meant as a joke and did not want to make a formal...
Infidels Are Never Offended
Pastorius, you are ever the politician, but let me just say... I hate the word "offended." And that was nice of you to tame your post for the offended. That word used to mean something. If someone called your Mother a whore, and if she wasn't, that...
Hey, It's Your Free Speech - Let's Get It All Out On The Table
A Danish Muslim Organization is posting cartoons which they believe will drive us Infidels into a frenzy. While I'm sure many will be offended, I doubt anyone will go on a rioting, raping, and murder spree. Even though Dymphna is a fellow Infidel,...
Green Energy