Green Energy
Pali Children Yearn for Death
Head of Palestinian children's org: "We Teach Children Shahada" In English, PA leaders have denied that they encourage their children to aspire to Shahada [death for Allah]. However in Arabic, the PA continues to express pride in educating children to aspire to Shahada, portraying it as a national achievement. The Director of the Palestinian Children's Aid Association candidly reiterated this PA educational policy, on PA TV. Firial Hillis, CEO of the Palestinian 'Children's Aid Association: "The concept of Shahada for him [i.e. the Palestinian child] means belonging to the homeland, from a religious perspective - sacrifice for his homeland. Achieving Shahada in order to reach paradise and meet his God. This is the best. We also to teach our children to protect the homeland, belonging, and to reach Shahada." [PA TV, May 4, 2003] |
Al-Dura Calls Children to Follow him to Paradise - Clip Through a child actor, this music video portrays the delightful Paradise of Muhammad Al-Dura, whose death in a crossfire was broadcast on TV. He is portrayed flying a kite, frolicking on the beach and even at an amusement park. The clip opens with the invitation to other children from Al-Dura: "I am waving to you not in parting, but to say 'follow me'." The clip opens with the following invitation from Al-Dura displayed on the full screen: "I am waving to you, not in parting, but to say, follow me...- Muhammad Al-Dura" Narrator: "How sweet is the fragrance of the shahids [people who have died for Allah]. How sweet is the fragrance of the earth. Tts thirst quenched by the gush of blood flowing from the youthful body. How sweet is the fragrance of the earth." Vocalist: "The boy cried, 'O father, 'til we meet, O father, 'til we meet, 'til we meet, father, 'til we meet. I will go with no fear and without crying. How sweet is the fragrance of the shahids. I will go, father, to my place in heaven. How sweet is the fragrance of the shahids. O father, 'til we meet, O father, 'til we meet." [PA TV, 2000 - 2002] |
Yasser Arafat's Message to Children: "Be a Shahid"
Arafat explains that dead Palestinian children are "the greatest message to the world." More at Palestinian Media Watch

I Know You're Going To Be Surprised By This, But Muslims In Morocco And Palestine Hate Jews
AUSTRALIAN WOMAN VOLUNTEERED TO HELP PALESTINIAN CAUSE, HORRIFIED TO FIND THEY JUST WANT JEWS DEAD Australian in "Palestine" account of children suicide bombers - תרגום עברי - YouTube Published on Nov 14, 2013 (thanks to Bill)Darly...
Shahada (prayer For A Son)
A video about Palestinian Child Abuse, and the indoctrination into a cult of death, by X Dhimmi. Click here to see another video of a graduation ceremony for young children being trained in a Palestinian public for the cause of Jihad. Here's a...
To Die For Allah
Host: "You described Shahada as something beautiful. Do you think it is beautiful?" Walla: "Shahada is very, very beautiful. Everyone yearns for Shahada. What could be better than going to paradise?" Host: "What is better, peace and full rights for the...
Palestinian Children's Religious Initiation Process
Both Atlas Shrugs and Little Green Footballs are reporting on the Hamas Terror Festival For Children which is happening this week in the Palestinian territories. This little girl is wearing a sash emblazoned with the name "Reem Riyashi"; a female suicide...
Hamas : We Are A Nation That Drinks Blood, And We Know That There Is No Blood Better Than The Blood Of Jews
Speechless, but not shocked. Just watch as this is a MUST SEE VIDEO of the true intentions of Muslims towards Jews (and all other non-Muslims), which is outlined clearly in the Quran and Hadeeth (thanks to PMW who found this video) : click the picture...
Green Energy