Green Energy
To die for allah

Host: "You described Shahada as something beautiful. Do you think it is beautiful?"
Walla: "Shahada is very, very beautiful. Everyone yearns for Shahada. What could be better than going to paradise?"
Host: "What is better, peace and full rights for the Palestinian people, or Shahada?"
Walla: "Shahada. I will achieve my rights after becoming a Shahida."
Belgium: Muslims Sing Victory Song Two Days After Brussels Terrorist Attacks
BareNakedIslam: BELGIUM: Muslims sing victory song two days after Brussels terrorist attacks A group of Moroccan Muslims were singing an Islamic victory song (Nasheed) in the center of Brussels to celebrate the successful terror attacks of Airport Zaventem...
Canada's National Post Newspaper Publishes Article Encouraging People To Recite The Shahada In Order To Avoid Being Murdered By Crazed Muslims
They hit the Trifecta: Ignorant, Bigoted, and Cowardly all in one. Amazing. For those who might not know, reciting the Shahada is, in effect, converting to Islam. So yes, the National Post is encouraging people to renounce their own faith and become...
Obama's Ring: There Is No God But Allah? - Possibly Wrong Information From Jerome Corsi Of World Net Daily
UPDATE ON THIS STORY FROM YESTERDAY. Longtime off-site IBA contributor Niconarg sent this information in to me: Hey Pasto,I will try to explain why I don't think it, to me, looks like the Shahada on Obama's ring. I've created this file where...
Pali Children Yearn For Death
Head of Palestinian children's org: "We Teach Children Shahada" In English, PA leaders have denied that they encourage their children to aspire to Shahada [death for Allah]. However in Arabic, the PA continues to express pride in educating...
Its And Their Protest Video
OK, when I first found it, the site was experiencing an overload and I couldn't watch the video. But now I've viewed it. All 13 freakish minutes of it. A few interesting points here. First, they are apparently small in number but large in net...
Green Energy