Green Energy
Pastorius Discovers The Bigotry In His Own Heart

I guess I should have known it all along. I am a bigot. Certainly, the BNP guys have been trying to convince me of this fact, but it took a friend and compatriot, Thomas the Wraith, to drive home the point, and make me admit I do have a problem.
Thomas is, like myself, a white American married to an Asian immigrant. He and I are both the kinds of guys who like to think of themselves as being beyond bigotry. But, while Thomas may be beyond bigotry, he made it clear to me that I am not.
Now, Thomas is a friend, so he didn't hit me over the head with it. He did not sit me down and say, "Pastorius, you are a bigot." Instead, like a true friend, Thomas has gone about his life being a living example, and periodically dispensing pearls of wisdom when asked.
So, what was it that Thomas said that could have made Pastorius finally realize that he is a bigot?
Well, it was the following (from the Thomas the Wraith blog):
The US allows indigenous peoples to gather together separated from the rest of society. We call these Tribal Reservations and few seriously accuse these Indian tribes of being racists. The English are an ethnic group. They deserve to be recognized as such in their own homeland.Thomas is right! The U.S. has been helping to enforce the integrity of the border of reservations for the Native Americans. Because, God knows, the Native Americans ought not have to live with white people. God knows, they ought not have to live with black Americans either. And, God knows, they wouldn't want to.
But, that's not the way I think, because I am a bigot.
The past few weeks have really opened the world up for me. A lot of new ideas are running around in my brain. Honestly, I am having trouble processing many of them. In fact, in most cases, I simply apply my old template and
voila ...
The first thing that occurred to me when I read the above quote from Thomas the Wraith was,
Doesn't that make him a multiculturalist?
I mean, if he supports the idea that certain races and cultures ought to live separate - but still equal - from each other, then is he not supporting a multiculturalist agenda?
But, that's just my old template talking.
The truth is, this whole subject has made me realize that I am a bigot against indigenous people. Honestly, I'm getting tired of people who keep arguing for the integrity of their indigenous culture. I'm getting tired of people who want to live hermetically sealed off from racial mixing, and from the cross-pollination of cultures.
It occurs to me that, if we would always have listened to such people, we'd still be living in caves.
But, I shouldn't think like that. After all, indigenous people are good. Mixing of cultures is bad. In fact, it is racist to mix cultures, or so it seems. I'm not sure, but if I'm getting the message right, the only thing that comes from racial mixing is more caucasian hegemony. Or, is it Asian hegemony?
I'm not sure.
But, of one thing I am sure. I am a bigot, because I really do not like indigenous people, whatever their stupid race is.
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Green Energy