Green Energy
Picture Of The Day
PhotoShopped or not, it is accurate and sums up both the domestic and the foreign policy of the Obama administration (
hat tip to
Randy's Roundtable):
The One Where The Problem Of Election 2016 Intensifies
Trump: When will you learn to shut your goddamn mouth? You have identified the problems: CHECK You have at least SOME clue about solutions: CHECK You might be a charlatan: CHECK You herald extreme damage to the political class: CHECK High visibility supporters...
What Politicians Mean By "austerity"
With a hat tip to Randy's Roundtable: As Woodsterman pointed out in the comment thread at Randy's site: Have you ever seen one of them [a politician] miss a paycheck?...
The Doorbell Will Ring
Found at Randy's Roundtable: ...
Political Cartoon
Found at Right Truth: Why doesn't Time Magazine have a photoshopped cover or Obama shaking Carter's hand? That would be a perfect depiction of the mess we've got when it comes to Middle Eastern foreign policy!...
On My Last Nerve
Obama's public-speaking skills, that is: "goin'" and "guhnna build stuff and invent stuff" (hat tip to Randy's Roundtable): As Randy said at his web site:I want to see this man's college transcripts. I teach public speaking to groups...
Green Energy